Start: Tuesday, 30 April 09:00
End: Wednesday, 31 July 14:00 - Avda.de Madrid (Toletum), 45003 Toledo, España
Flood as an opportunity
The objectives of the shared experience of research and proposal are to create a
space for exchange and reflection on the challenges of adapting the city and
architecture to the new climate context. To discuss them, and through a joint
faceto-face workshop, develop together possible mitigation strategies and make
positive use of the new rainfall regimes.
Under the title 'Flooding as an opportunity', the meeting will try to orient the online
training and the face-to-face workshop towards a positive vision of flooding as a
solution to the long periods of drought that are being established. Trying to find
urban and architectural solutions that manage to receive large amounts of rain in a
positive way in a short space of time and store it for use during periods of low
rainfall.Structure of research/training for online classes (15-19 July 18:30-20:00 CET)
OL 15/07/24 - Climate change and changes in rainfall patterns
(European level)
OL-16/07/24- Action strategies with the minimum amount of resources
(goal 15 2030 Agenda)
OL-17/07/24 - Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in Coastal Cities
(European Level)
OL-18/07/24 - Adaptation and mitigation strategies in the post-industrial city
(goals 6.9 13.14 2030 Agenda)
OL- 19/07/24 Adaptation strategies in architecture: the encounter with the
street/water and the envelope.Structure of the work in the research/workshops (22-27 July 9.00-14:00 CET)
TP1-22/07/24 Presentation of the case study in Toledo
TP2-23/07/24 Urban Analysis Dynamics
TP3-24/07/24 First Proposals and Critical Session
TP4-25/07/24 Advanced Proposals and Critical Session
TP5-26/07/24 & 27/07/24 Completion and presentation of results aulaCINE27/07/24 A Guided visit to the historical water infrastructures of the city of Toledo (18.00-20.30CET)